Don’t Get Out Of Bed!
You know what I do right after I wake up in the morning? It's a gamchanger. Even before I open my eyes, I put my hand on my heart and say some sweet things to myself, the kind of things a loving granmother might say. iIke "Good monring sweetheart. Today is going to be...
Change is Hard. How To Make It Easy-er
Many of us use the New Year as a time to create change. We’re tired of the old ways of doing things and yearn to make renovations. To feel fresh and back in charge. If you want to make your efforts successful, make sure they have these elements: *you have built in...
What To Do When You Can’t STAND Someone!
I don't like someone. He's a teacher of mine so I'm exposed to him a lot and I find myself continually judging and criticizing him. Which is extremely ironic as he's often teaching about judgements and how important it is to let them go. Sigh. This situation...
Don’t Let Them Blow Your Candle Out!
Sometimes when we want something, there is no evidence of it in our lives and even worse, sometimes there is not even an inkling that what we want will ever happen. For many people, that’s the situation right now in the US political realm. These people want a...
Do You Know How To DeGOOP Yourself?
What's GOOP? It stands for what so many of us need and that's the Good Opinion Of Others. And it's as slippery and gooey as it sounds. Doing things in order to get the good opinion of others can rule your life. And make it miserable. The truth is, we live in a very...
Are You Doing Things Backwards?
Most of us think that in order to feel good, we need to make specific things happen in the outside world. That can certainly work, but it's rather hit and miss. And feeling good is so fundamental, I don't like to leave it to happenstance. Feeling good is important...
Want To Rule Your Reality?
Here is a true story of what happened to my son and I when he was about 5. He was out in the enclosed garden by himself and when I looked out to check on him, I saw, to my horror, that he was standing there with his arms out and dozens of wasps were flying about and...
Do You Start and Stop and Start and Stop?
It can be infuriating . . . A lot of people get mad at themselves for starting and stopping and beat yourself up for it! If you're one of these people, I have some good news. Even though it can be discouraging to lose a bit of momentum, you won't lose much if you...
Are You Missing Something?
Here's a fun thing that will test your ability to see things. It's only about 2 minutes long but it's fascinating. GO TO IT HERE Please, don't read on until you've done the exercise or you'll miss the interesting part. Go on, do it! Now that you've done it... Now that...
A Great Brain Hack Are you a bit self-righteous about being an early riser? I am. Or was! But this brain hack helped. I have a friend who comes to visit and often stays a few days.I usually go to bed early and get up early. He goes to bed late and gets up late....
Do Your Feelings Get in the Way?
Of all the challenges I face, it’s dealing with difficult feelings that slow me down and/or knock me out of play for a bit. This course I’m taking, which I’m loving, has some great suggestions for working with strong feelings so you don’t get side-swiped by them. The...
Yesterday, something kind of amazing happened. I’ve been feeling depressed about the world situation and noticed myself getting quieter, and feeling stuck and much less alive. One of my goals in this new quest of mine is to reconnect with the miraculous in life and...